Monday, October 29, 2012

Adding Moodle 1.9 Block Restore to Moodle 2.3 - Part 4

At this point, I think I need to step back and try to understand how the conversion process is executed so that I can make some good decisions on how to structure the programming solution. So, I'm going to make one more run through the code to see what is happening. I'll warn you now, this post will be difficult to read, and attempts to document my search-and-reverse-engineer the code for 1.9 conversion.

I feel like if I could just figure out how the moodle1_question_bank_handler class is used I could be most of the way there... It seems like most of the work is done in this class's process_question function, but I can find no place in Moodle where this function is actually called, meaning it must be a constructed function in the Moodle code.

As an aside, what I mean by a "constructed function" is that the function name that is called is actually determined by logic at execution time and stored in variable names. This is a strong programming feature in PHP that is used in Moodle. It allows for function calls to be dynamically constructed from variable names. While a powerful programming tool, it can make reverse engineering very difficult.

Given this, it is likely that the act of registering the question bank handler in moodle1_converter::register_handler()causes some chain of events that allows process_question to be called somewhere!

Inside moodle1_converter::register_handler() is where it begins to get obscure, but it looks like the handler information gets stored in the moodle1_converter::pathelements variable as well as within the moodle1_converter::xmlprocessor object. Searching for use of the pathelements variable, I find it processed in the moodle1_converter::process_chunk(), path_start_reached() and path_end_reached() functions. All of these functions have specific code sections set up to handle blocks in a similar way to modules.

Likely, the function call is created in process_chunk by the use of the get_processing_object() and the get_processing_method() functions. The only place I can find a likely definition of the get_processing_method() function is in the convert_path class. And convert_path objects are loaded and returned by the get_paths function in every handler including the moodle1_question_bank_handler.

And there it is! The handlers' get_paths function creates new instances of convert_path (located in "/backup/converter/moodle1/lib.php"), loading a name and a path argument. The name argument of this function is used to construct the "process_[name]" function. This in fact happens in the convert_path constructor with the line:
$this->set_processing_method('process_' . $name);
Also noted, is that this function definition is a default definition, meaning any implementing class can change this. This may come in handy when I am adding all blocks to be converted.

Looking specifically at the question handler again, it instantiates a convert_path object, passing the name "question" to it, which is used to define the processing method as "process_question". This function is then returned in the get_processing_method function call made in the moodle1_converter::process_chunk function call before dispatching the function itself. Now, I just need to determine what calls process_chunk.

Searching further, process_chunk() is called by moodle1_parser_processor::dispatch_chunk() which appears to be only called by the parent classes of this object.

Stopping to think, at this point, I probably don't have to worry about where the calls are made from. I can derive that, the act of loading convert_path objects with appropriate function call information will at some point, trigger their execution. So, I just need to jump back to the block handler code and redesign it so that it loads paths for all blocks. The act of loading functions for these will allow me to control the conversions! Eureka!

I think I now know enough to design the programming structure for the block conversion.

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  1. Moodle has the most options that allowed to copy, use and modify Moodle provided that we agree to: provide the source to others; not modify or remove the original license and copyrights, and apply this same license to any derivative work.
